George Mcclellan
February 20, 2025
Guest Editorial
It pleases us that Trump is absolutely driving the Left crazy. The Left I'm talking about isn't just the politicians of the Democrat Party who have wringed out every cent they could from the American taxpayers, but the vast field of syncopates whose careers and livelihoods depend upon the free distribution, through their agencies, of those funds. We rejoice even more that Trump isn't just talking about draining the swamp but is doing it so fast that the Left can't keep up. DOGE is the key to returning the American government back to its original Constitutional roots: "of the people, by the people and for the people!"
Because of DOGE we are learning that much of those billions of dollars Biden authorized spent through USAID, et al, are being dispensed not to the needs of Americans but to the thieves, grifters and the elite political class who have come to believe it is their sacred duty to control everything the American public needs to know about how government spends their money while getting rich themselves. Elon Musk and the DOGE are already "queering the deal" for the Deep State class of self-important bureaucrats.
2026 midterms are just around the corner and the idea that the party out of power usually wins midterm elections, while not necessarily so, may actually be in danger. The deep probing fingers of DOGE is incidentally revealing payoffs or paybacks to many elected politicians, mostly Democrats and RINO's. This may find the 2026 field wide open to Constitutional candidates due to mass retirements. Since Trumps flood of EO's and the implementation of DOGE, housing prices in DC have dropped 36%, the rising market of houses for sale is around 15,000. Also, the Google search engine is spiking in the categories of defining RICO crimes, searches for criminal defense attorneys, quiries on statues of limitations and offshore bank accounts. If these facts are even remotely correct, constitutionalists may see the opportunity to flood the Congress in 2026, a forever change. The anguished screams of the Progressive class facing the elimination of their sinecures either by resignations or incitement's, are calling foul claiming DOGE is unconstitutional, that Musk is benefiting from government contracts and that the DOGE auditors are just little children barely out of their teens who have no business mucking about in their sacred files. Oh, woe! They are claiming Trumps DOGE plan is an abuse of Executive Power, but for them, an excuse to support another attempt to impeach him. Will they never learn?
Without sounding like an expert, it bears mentioning that DOGE is not an aberration by a misguided president but is in fact, a restoration of executive power affirmed in a 1926 Supreme Court decision: Myers vs United States. That decision is deeply embedded in the Constitution’s structure today. The administrative state, as far back as FDR, has functioned as an unelected but unaccountable force that undermined the democratic decision-making process, imposing at the same time, an ideological agenda without electoral legitimacy. It was the era of the Great Depression, followed by WWII, when desperate Americans were looking for leadership that FDR supplied.
How did Trump come to figure out the DOGE scheme? He didn't, Obama did! Trump simply repurposed Obama's framework from 2014. DOGE operates under the legal foundation of 5 U.S.C. § 316 that allows the president to make appointments outside traditional civil service constraints. Musk fills the bill and the young DODG technocrates picked for his team are not beholden to entrenched bureaucratic complaints. They are authorized to muck about in all government files regardless of the agency head's complaints, to reveal what is apparently easy pickings. That authority is naturally being challenged in courts as a hinderance plan, until it arrives at the Supreme Court. Musk’s teams of young technocrats are free of restraint to provide real-time analysis of the inefficiencies, bureau by bureau allowing Trump to apply corrective measures without being stymied by congressional gridlock. They're trying lawfare instead, in courts filled with Leftist appointed judges.
Agencies and bureaus not part of the Legislative or Judiciary belong to the executive. The Left views DOGE as an overreach. Not so! The DOGE mission, by law, is to ensure the federal government functions constitutionally in support of presidential policies, not oppose them. Their job is to provide real-time analysis of those inefficiencies that the Executive can correct, Congress be damned. We are witness to the near collapse of Obama/Biden's Progressive administrative state revealing the intent of their purpose, holding onto power at all costs. We now know it was accomplished at the expense of America's taxpayers.
The hurricane that hit Florida, Georgia and especially western North Carolina hard, plus the fires that have all but destroyed the city and county of Los Angeles, not to mention the reputations of the LA Mayor and fire chief and the idiot governor of California himself, is incalculable. Democrat cries for help fall on deaf ears. Biden used DODG law to provide for John Kerry to serve as Biden's foreign ambassador without portfolio, to meddle in Iranian/American politics. So, the precedent was set long ago, used often in the meantime and is in use by Trump. They should get over it. The constitution allows it and DOGE is simply a recalibration of presidential executive authority. Executive power is vested in one person, a President of the United States. Nothing written anywhere else in the Constitution dilutes that power even though Biden attempted it.
It's important to continue challenging Deep States resistance and get the Bureaus and Agencies on the right track, to redefine their missions, correct their objectives or make them redundant. The remaining questions that should be asked is why did Congress allow this rupture in constitutional government to happen. How long has it been going on? If we listen to the likes of Maxine Waters and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez among others, and focus on how billionaires (Trump & Musk) are enriching themselves at taxpayer expense and believe them, then the trillions of dollars of deficits, taxpayer dollars just thrown away, will never by corrected until America becomes bankrupt. We should know how did Biden, Pelosi, even AOC and Waters among others, come to Congress as near paupers and end up millionaires themselves? Trump doesn't take his presidential salary because he doesn't need it. Musk isn't getting a salary because he doesn't need it either. We must know where all that money has gone that DOGE is discovering isn't there anymore. We are finding out. Billions for condoms for Gaza and Somalia, gay theater in Ireland, kickbacks to politicians, etc. Who believes that? What is becoming clear is that the money give-away schemes through the USAID, FEMA, USDA, HHS and others agencies, and have done through NGO's amounts to money laundering schemes for kickbacks to the Democrat party, for buying congressional votes, for soothing injured feelings of government union officials and supporting family finances. It's hard living within the confines of corrupt government demands. It is time for a change. Go Trump, Go!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go help Trump.
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