Morning Intelligence Report
MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)
It’s No Quarter Time
George Mcclellan
April 29, 2024
Guest Editorial:
Things in America are spinning out of control, and it’s going to get more people killed. We are teetering on the precipice of full-blown anarchy, not just in Blue cities but everywhere. The focus of all this anti-America hate and anger is now on full display centered in our corrupt colleges and universities. Americans are so alarmed about the physical attacks on our streets, many amounting to outright murder, that the sale of firearms for self-defense has risen to heights never seen before.
Many of the on-campus pro-Hamas demonstrations appear to be led by nonstudent Islamic agitators, so the program to disrupt them should change. For police, it should be no more nice guy approach; it’s “no quarter” time. Actions by police making misdemeanor arrests have so far proven ineffective because the demonstrators, when released, quickly return to the demonstration sites. Instead, squads of armed police should sweep the areas, rip all those lovely new tents from the ground, and deposit them in 40 cu yd dumpsters followed by anti-American, pro-Hamas flags and banners. Face masks should be ripped from faces to identify the perpetrator, and a few heads should be cracked to show who is in charge. Anyone who attacks a cop in these situations should be tried and then executed.
We’ve witnessed demented Joe Biden, a true obnoxious elitist, throw open the doors of our southern borders to allow the free passage of millions of illegal aliens whom he is entitled to wallow in America’s generous welfare programs while committing violent crimes, rarely with any consequences. They escape accountability for their actions by the cadre of corrupt George Soros DA’s as well as the Department of Justice corrupted Merrick Garland. When the heat is turned on, they disappear into the dark alleys of depressed inner cities or flee to another welcoming, progressive blue state. At the same time, the DAs and DOJ claim their actions are based on Diversity, Equity, and Diversion, so long as they are not White. These illegal aliens, with their government-issued debit cards and cell phones, should be as easy to locate and deport as it was for the FDA a few years ago to follow the trail of mad cow disease to a single cow barn in Canada.
At present, politically, its anti-Israel, pro-Hamas cretins pushing their hate-filled dogma that is the focus of our attention. That means if your child is a student at any of these Ivy League, Blue State institutions and participates in these campus demonstrations against Hamas and Israel, then, as a parent, you failed in providing solid, good morals training for your child before you stupidly turned their future over to Communist indoctrinators in these Ivy League schools. On the sideline is the continuing saga of just how Joe Biden prevents Donald Trump from becoming the next President short of having him killed. Perhaps Hillary Clinton could loan Joe her after-action ‘how to’ book against her political dissenters. It's happened before.
As long as Joe Biden clings to the pretense that he is a President, in his mind, a remarkably good one, his lousy news will never end. His polls are tanking among all categories of voters, except illegals, and without them, he has a zero to no chance of a second term. Should that happen, then Conservatives everywhere will no longer see a need to obey this government. But what does Joe's government do in any way that is good for America? Well, it's gone far beyond what’s allowed by Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution on how to spend our money.
If Congress continues to get away with their outrageous spending, as they interpreted Art.1, Sec. 9 (7), we’ve opened the floodgates to bankruptcy. Congress just passed a bill to send Ukraine 60.8 billion dollars, Israel $26.3 billion, and Taiwan $8.12 billion. Not mentioned by either the media or the congress was Biden's promise to Gaza of $9.0 billion… for Hamas. That $9.0 billion could have been better spent on completing the wall on our southern border as is permitted by the Constitution, but Democrats don’t want it. If they can’t freely bring in more voters, including poor Palestinians and Muslims from other desert countries, they will soon die on the vine. I think the demise of the Democrat party is imminent. The RINO neocons are not far behind if they can’t get their act together and dump the warmongers. We’re in a fix, folks.
Remember, freedom is the goal, and the Constitution is the way. Now, go get involved. Help save America.
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