Morning Intelligence Report
MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)
Guest Editorial: George Mcclellan
November 17, 2024
As conservatives recover from the unabashed but rare joy of victory, no thanks to the GOP, and review the shattered remains of the Progressive Democrat Party scattered to the wind, we are reminded that even now, while leaderless, the radical Left is doubling down in their schemes to deny Trump his role as Americas next President. How? Trump did win, didn't he? First, be aware that these types of claims coming so recently after the Democrat debacle that was the November election are simply a scheme to raise funds based on our fears. I do not say it's terrible; it is just a logical move to refill their coffers. Both parties are making many such claims.
Currently, the newest fear being pushed is that Chuckie Schumer (D-NY), soon-to-be ex-Senate majority leader, is attempting to raise funds to refill depleted Democrat coffers by passing a "No Kings Act," a laughable device designed to strip President Trump, by law, of presidential immunity. Then, they'll get him! Don't bet on it. First, any bill issuing from this Senate before January will have to pass through a Republican House, and there's no chance of that. Second, if passed, the bill is expected to give Radicals (his party) an opportunity to flood the Trump administration with waves of fake innuendos, lawsuits, and investigations that will slow it down, if not entirely stop Trump from draining the swamp. Therein lies the secret of why Radical judges appointed by the Biden regime reign so important to saving a Democrat future. Schumer's problem lies in money or, rather, not having any. The Democrats are deep in debt and blew around a billion dollars more or less in the three months supporting California radical Kamala Harris since the wealthy old crone, Nancy Pelosi, stabbed Joe in the back and got nothing to show for it. Nancy's getting the blame now.
We dodged a bullet and I'm speaking for Conservative American. Politicians have driven America's treasury into near bankruptcy. If the Harris campaign spending was any indication of how she would spend the taxpayer's funds, then penury under her administration would have been a given. The financial geniuses running her gig had she won, would have run America's finances into a hole. Well, they're there now, aren't they? But now, they're under scrutiny for the financial decisions made before their election disaster. Kamala's campaign is reported to have squandered $20 million in the final three weeks of her campaign just on superfluous stuff like $2,626,110 on private air flights. The spending data is available in the records of the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
To even entertain such schemes as "doubling down," the Democrats need someone to lead as well as generate money. Who could that be, Kamala? Now, color her gone! How about Pelosi's nephew, California Governor Gavin Newsome? He takes himself seriously and truly believes he would be a great president. Why, just look what he did to California! Could Joe Biden, still our President, make a comeback and lead the change? Probably not. Poor old Joe still fails on the international stage like attending the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Peru last week. It was to include his final meeting with China's Emperor Ji Jinping, but Joe got 'dissed' by being relegated to the rear row of a world leaders photo op. Oh, the humility!
Joe missed or avoided two other concurrent world events, the G-20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the U.N. Climate Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, yes! the conference where the Azerbaijani President told the UN conferees to 'bugger off.' They had oil, he said and intended to sell it. Trump pulled America out of the UN's Climate nonsense, and Joe, following the radical's demands, put us back in. Why didn't he go there instead of the conference where Ji was omnipotent? Here's another finger poked in our eyes demonstrating the abuse of the American taxpayers. Over 250 Biden officials flocked to that Climate Conference in Azerbaijan, except John Kerry. He wasn't there. For what purpose did all these bureaucrats attend? With Kerry absent Joe lost his only figure prominent enough to go heads-up for an accommodation with the Chinese. It might have made for good propaganda but, it will now ensure Trumps pullout again.
Foreign leaders, alarmed by the demonstrable incompetence of Joe and Kamala as political leaders, especially in foreign policy, have dramatically been rejuvenated by the re-election of Donald Trump (Except Jihadists). The world awaits in breathless anticipation for the start of Trump's second term to see if he can wind down world tensions and possibly stop a WWIII if Joe doesn't accidentally start it first. Other observers anticipate the unveiling of his drain-the-swamp promise and the positive changes that will herald it. Trump, renewed as he is with the lessons of past experience dealing with the Deep State bureaucracy will, unless he's removed somehow, be unstoppable.
Too, we must not forget that while nearly mortally wounded, they're not dead. The radical left will not 'go quietly into the sweet night,' but will recoil like rattlesnakes and strike whenever and wherever they can. Right now, it's Trump appointees who will face their withering attacks. So, let the games begin, and remember,
Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get involved.
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