Paul E. Vallely MG, US Army (Ret)
February 15, 2025
This is an update to my book Reality Prism. The focus of my book was to describe and explain the myriad of attacks on our Western Culture in general and the United States as the key target and last bastion of freedom. Reality Prism is a memoir of a recent history of events, a tour through 21st Century geopolitics.
It overviews the ripping apart of our Constitutional Republic by a pack of enemies, traitors, and deep state officials (both parties) who now serve themselves, not those who elected them. The author highlights the “Awakening of America,” The Global Shadow Government, The Deep State and how we must stand united and destroy them. We have dug deep into the forces that are ripping America and the world apart. This has been in process for a long time. Truth, justice, and the American Way has been replaced by darker things, slowly, incrementally, under the surface.
The preface to Prism is an Epiphany by Major General Paul Vallely, based on experiences he had in Egypt with President El-Sisi in 2014. So it is that this note starts with another Epiphany.
For centuries America has been the shining city on the hill, the land of opportunity, a unique Republic with liberty and justice for all. A home created by people thoroughly imbued with the aspiration for truth and understanding. A free society under the rule of law, with strong institutions of faith and family, and with foundational principals of honor, fidelity, and patriotism. A place where all citizens had God Given Rights to things like free speech, self-defense, fair trials, and due process.
These have been displaced by immorality in our entertainment, dishonesty of our media and elected officials, intensive censorship in social media and the public square, the suppression of dissent, and, yes, even public safety, secure borders, and honest elections. Along with this came the dumbing down of schools run by irresponsible educators who lead students to reject traditional values and norms. American Patriots are now deemed to be “the most dangerous terrorists,” including soccer moms who protest at their local school boards.
The Biden Administration, after the stolen 2020 election, even set up an Orwellian Ministry of Truth (“paused” due to public outrage) and redirected our military and Federal Agencies from War Fighting to political correctness, gender issues, and targeting political opponents and involvement in unnecessary no-win wars. We are going bankrupt because of reckless spending on socialist programs that our children and future generations will be forced to pay for.
We are witnessing the planned destruction of American and Western civilization. Some call it “The Great Reset.” The values that formed our foundation are being undermined and erased by greed and deception, by Godless materialist ideologies. Writing Prism caused deep concerns and a heightened awareness.
My Epiphany: We are not going to make it without God and a spiritual awakening of America. Returning to the past and tradition is no longer an effective or sufficient response to the tyranny of the Left. We stand at the brink, staring into the abyss. By this time, it is evident that Leftist ideologies are displacing and erasing our civilized society. We witness an inability of civilization itself to provide a coherent and effective resistance to them.
This situation is like something out of Star Wars. The Dark Side of “The Force” is powerful and much to be feared. Our civilization was to be totally replaced by a New World Order of unaccountable ruling elites until Donald J Trump was elected in 2024. This utopian omelet required the end of freedom and the destruction of the middle class and total control of working class. It has been underway for decades. It is not a “conspiracy theory,” it was all real. The radical left and Democratic Party were proficient in lies and deceit. That is what they do. Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, et. al. And, yes, now Democrats, Fake News, and most of the DC swamp. Naturally, those of the New World Order and The Great Reset did that same. Nazis were excellent at that, and at least one who served under Hitler, George Soros, is still alive. He has said publicly that those were the best days of his life. Others are, surprisingly, found in Ukraine. Not neo-Nazis, the old breed, the same as under Hitler.
Saul Alinsky dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer. Hillary Clinton was a fervent Alinsky supporter. Obama taught Alinsky tactics.
BLM was founded by three Marxist organizers, who, yes, were Black, and are now rich. Antifa, a worldwide organization, is modeled on Stalin’s thugs. Try to hold a political rally or a peaceful protest, and they will be there to assault you, and to kill you.
Karl Marx said, “The issue is not about the issue. The issue is about the Revolution.”
Thus, it is that we now live in a satanic time. This false reality, a life based on lies and deception, is ripping America apart. Some still see the old America. It is fading. Look harder. Sharpen your gaze. Take off your rose-colored glasses. Turn off your TV. Treason and tyranny will create a new Dark Age if we allow it. A world of unaccountable ruling elites is the plan, and they have been working the plan for decades.
Satanic evil is afoot. What we confront these days is not the traditional American reality. Not even close. It is the mirror image, the Doppelgänger of reality. Look hard. The end of freedom. Can you see it?
According to German folklore, all living creatures have a spirit double who is invisible but identical to the living individual. These second selves are perceived as being distinct from ghosts (which appear only after death), and sometimes they are described as the spiritual opposite or negative of their human counterparts. German writers coined the word Doppelgänger (from doppel-, meaning "double," and -gänger, meaning "goer") to refer to such specters of reality. The Satanic side is becoming dominant.
Americans are already divided and denied our basic rights to assemble. Schools and churches are closed, but liquor stores are open, and drugs and crack pipes are free. Our borders are wide open, but we send weapons and money to a corrupt county to keep their borders safe. We risk an unnecessary war, a nuclear war, against a country that has not harmed us and does not threaten us.
Martin Luther King said he longed for a time when “All men (all of mankind) would be judged by their character, not by the color of their skin.”
We almost made it, but Kennedy was killed and leftists like Lyndon Johnson knowingly turned the “Civil Rights Act” into “The Great Society.” The radical left made Black people dependent on the Government, and thus trapped them in squalid, decaying, crime ridden cities, with failed schools, run by drug gangs.
Black people used to have strong religious and family ties. Welfare destroyed Black Families and Black Churches. It will be a long road back. Now there are several generations where no one in the family has ever held a legal job. Exceptions like Ben Carson are rare and that is a shame.
Trends like “Social Justice” exactly reverse the American Ethic. Rewards are based on gender, race, or compliance, not ability. We must have a Black Vagina on the Supreme Court….
As C.S. Lewis pointed out in The Great Divorce, good and evil cannot coexist. They are irreconcilable opposites and the conflict between them is eternal. Evil must be fully understood and totally rejected. Evil can be undone, but it cannot develop into good. Time does not heal it.
Today we suffer not just Marxism and Socialism, but neo-Marxism, Critical Theories, and more:
· Anti-colonialism
· Critical Race Theory
· Anti-racism
· White patriarchy
· White privilege
· White fragility
· Toxic masculinity
· Radical Feminism
· Queer Theory
· Gender Studies
· Intersectionality
· Political Correctness
· Social Justice
In the United States these theories are now entrenched in society and government. Those who oppose them in the name of traditional values are branded as racist, homophobic, and fascistic. Major media outlets and social media now accept the dictates of this radical Leftist movement, suppressing speech, cancelling alternative voices, and dehumanizing any who object. Families are being erased.
Likewise, things like killing babies and then selling their body parts for profit were unthinkable just a few years ago. Genocide by forced medication is in violation of the Nuremberg Code, every article of which has been violated, all of which call for Capital Punishment. Lies to cover up such things are the new norm.
All that is evil, but the notion of funding all this with government money, selling the baby parts to unaccountable medical firms in return for generous donations to Democrats (and some Republicans), is legalized immoral money laundering on a massive scale. At this writing, the act of having the Supreme Court review this has spawned the same groups who Burn, Loot, and Murder in our cities to target the SOCUS judges in their homes in violation of Federal Law. A crime that repeats and goes unpunished.
To allow such evil is to allow the completion of our national destruction. Shame on us. This is not acceptable. Killing babies for profit and political advantage surely justifies use of words like demonic and Satanic.
So does our waiting for God to fix it. He gave us free will, and we must be part of the solution. We cannot allow evil and simply wait for God to solve our problems. That is not how God designed our universe. The only thing necessary for the triumph of good is for Men and Women to fulfill their God-given responsibilities. Devine providence is not dependent on God alone, but on humanity participating in the realization of the Creator’s purpose. We have a role to play.
Basically, resisting evil is about defeating human weakness. We are not going to make it without God. It is Cain vs. Able. All the theories listed above are deeply anti-religious and anti-capitalist, feeding on Cain-type resentment, envy, victimhood, and murderous anger.
A friend (one more versed in Biblical History than I am) says that God has three times given up, destroyed the world, and started over. The Triumph of Good is the most biblical of the recommended books. It has simple concepts, and one of its main points is that evil is built in from the time when God created the universe, and that this is reported, not just in the Christian bible, but in many other religions.
It gets back to God’s hope for creation, about the disobedience of Lucifer, Adam, and Eve, and that the tale of Cain and Able is the revelation of truths and relationships that apply to this day. It argues that the Creator is restrained from removing evil from the world by the very nature and principals by which we humans were made. It claims that the family is the most important human institution, and that through the family, children grow in understanding and love.
The core argument is that the Cain-type ideology that (falsely, based on lies) claims to offer a Utopian solution to all world’s problems is what plagues us now, and that the actual outcomes of Leftist ideologies are tens of millions of deaths and decades of human suffering. The book asserts that Cain-type ideology has peaked in atheistic Marxism and Neo-Marxism.
This rings true to me. The above malignant theories are driven by insatiable envy, resentment, and a willingness to justify violence. Debates with those on the radical left, in my experience, advocate resolving differences through accusations, interrogations, and violence, as if Cain were right all along.
The issue is not about the issue. Our troops in Vietnam were “Baby Killers.” If you oppose someone of the Left, you will quickly be labeled as “racist,” “domestic terrorist,” “White supremist,” or something equally loathsome. You will be dehumanized. You may be “Borked,” or worse.
The Democratic Party is the Party of Cain. The Great Reset will represent the triumph of Satan. The current situation justifies use of the word “Satanic.” The Dark Side is real.
So, what did our Founding Fathers say?
“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams
John Adams made this statement in an October 13, 1789, address to the military.
“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” – Thomas Jefferson
“While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian.” – George Washington
A few corners of social media still allow free speech. What do Americans active and paying attention today say? How do they see things? Here are samples from recent posts on Gab:
· Almost 80% of the country disapproved of Biden and the direction of our country. In any normal presidency, they would quickly change course and try to reverse the damage.
· The most concerning issue is that the Satanists (who are really running the show) hate America and are determined to destroy it.
· They do not care if you approve of it or not.
· They stigmatize truth about gender by calling you a sexist.
· They stigmatize truth about race by calling you a racist.
· They stigmatize truth about gay people by calling you a homophobe.
· These are not arguments. They are stigma to prevent you from telling the truth. Which is why no one can have an honest, open conversation about these things without fear of repercussions.
· "Whiteness" is the disease.
· Its course of treatment is dehumanization, hatred, and genocide.
· You are not cured until you cease to exist, but if you agree to cut your dick off and groom children, you will be allowed visitation privileges in the meantime.
Public school is out of the question for our children because God designs our children to become like the teacher:
“…everyone, when he is fully trained, will be like his teacher.” (Luke 6:40)
So, that was my Epiphany. What we faced under Obama and Biden today is Satanism, evil raw and real. God gave us free will. We must be part of the solution. We cannot wait for God to solve our problems.
Well said!