MG Paul E Vallely US Army (Ret)
Today, we Americans are marching to a new ‘Path to Glory” for our country much as our founders and ancestors had to do. Today, we must continue to be Americans First citizens and rise above partisan politics and political parties. We must face the future solving our problems and plans looking through a reality prism not a political one and seek to restore this great country, our Republic and the Constitution. The challenge ahead is to select common-sense leaders who understand our challenges and have the vision to lead us to a secure America so all can be in the pursuit of happiness and thankful life.
On April 19th 1775 British regular troops and colonists, came to blows, in what many believe was the real beginning of the revolutionary war. The history of human existence/human events has included the dominance to control resources and enslaving the free and the weak in order to increase power and greed. It was only natural for our founding fathers to plant our flag in our course of time in history and lay claim to life based on freedom and liberty. It makes perfect sense that our founding fathers began the Declaration of Independence with the words, “When in the course of human events” …. Our enemies both foreign and domestic do not want to discuss the course of human events, events and facts that happened, but only want to focus on their elixir of the future, “tomorrow”, aka the new world order, based once again on natural resources, the consumption of resources, and control.
The manifestation of evil that we have been witnessing, especially the last four, as well as the complete lack of enforcement of our laws by people we have entrusted with our safety and security not only patronizes who we are as individuals, our heritage and what we stand for as a nation but also hurls us into great risk.
We the people will no longer tolerate this ongoing sabotage and fraud by omission with its willful blindness and negligent disregard by design and for a reason which is the complete destruction of America and its way of life to be replaced by a new world order based on resource management where American citizens and other freedom loving people will be part of the resources to be managed as lowest replaceable units. As Americans have previously responded by waging “total war” against evil perpetuated by the intolerant, fascist monarchy of England, German Nazism and Japanese Militaristic Imperialism in which the goals were to subjugate free people and farm resources under a new order of fascism, Americans is now responding under President Donald J Trump with equal resolve to the threats that imperil our great country. Threats from within and from abroad.
Our Nations Birth Certificate
Americans responded by waging “total war” against evil perpetrated by German Nazism and Japanese Militaristic Imperialism in which the goals were to subjugate free people and farm resources under a new order of fascism. Our past present and future is based on the confrontation of good vs evil. It is in the genre novels, art, and movies all throughout the history of man and the history of Christianity. Our past present and future (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) are based on the confrontation of good vs evil. It is in the genre novels, art, and movies all throughout the history of man and the history of Christianity. This is why "progressives which are actually fascists and communists" want to rewrite history and forget our heroes.
Because our nation was founded under God and based on natural rights, it is only natural that our history of conflicts is consistent with the confrontation between good vs. evil. Evil cannot tolerate the existence of free will and liberty, therefore our enemies, both foreign and domestic, want to destroy The United States of America because its existence, in and of itself, is an affront to the “false promises and benefits” of evil.
Since our natural existence under God, which is confirmed by our nation’s documents and our consistent pattern of behavior throughout our history, we will always be in direct confrontation with evil. Therefore, we must be steadfast in our resolve to recognize evil, in all its forms, and confront it and annihilate it. We need to confront evil in our time whenever it manifests itself and we must also teach the next generations how to recognize it and confront it as well.
The Development and Execution of Joint Operations (both Civilian and Military) to respond to dynamic threats against the United States has now reached a point of criticality. Over the course of the last several years, some Americans are gradually waking up to the fact that our “essence of being” as a nation and as individuals is under a constant state of attack and this attack has been implemented methodically and slowly over time by enemies who despise our way of life. What is occurring to the great country is so heinous that it patronizes each one of us, who we are, our heritage and what we stand for as a nation.
The behavior of ordinary American citizens from all walks of life has been consistent throughout American history in doing the right thing and standing up when confronted by evil and its manifestation via acts of tyranny, fascism, and sabotage and the subjugation of liberty and free will. Americans have always defended liberty and free will throughout its history and have always rose to the occasion. We have now rose to the occasion and our future!
Contact: MG Vallely at