Morning Intelligence Report
MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)
George Mcclellan
February 16, 2025
Contributing Author for SUAUS Foundation
Did anybody miss Michelle Obama at Trump's inauguration? Does anybody even care? I think Barak Obama was introduced but it was so quick I couldn't be sure. Like most folks who weren't there I watched it on TV, even suffering the time-consuming official car parade bearing Trump and what's his name droving slowly to the Capitol for the inauguration ceremony and, not for one instance did Michelle Obamas absence enter my mind. It was a break in tradition of course but, maybe she figured because she was eight years away from being first lady that nobody would notice. They wouldn't have except she announced, 'spitefully,' her intention to do that! What we witnessed here, including other Democrat politicians who chose not to attend was a Democrat disrespect for the office of the presidency. Apparently, for Democrats, presidential traditions are out the door. No more putting America first. The enemy defined themselves and we all saw it!
During Trumps speech, I enjoyed watching the grimaced faces of Trumps real enemies seated behind him on his left, quietly trying to display their displeasure at his soul rocking comments about their failures with facial gestures and hand motions like they were speaking to a nation of deaf-mutes. These visible acts of disrespect reveal the Democrat Party, not as a true American political party but a party of posers, a collection of political imposters determined to undermine everything good protected by our Constitution to pull Americans into the socialist net like a school of herring. By the end of the day, all the grimaced faces of the hypocrites on the Left, all the latent thieves, grifters and influencers suddenly realized their worst nightmares, Trump told the truth what he was going to do, drain the swamp, and immediately set about doing just that, the dismantling of the Deep State, the levels of unelected bureaucratic, creatures who made a business of funneling the billions of dollars of taxpayers’ dollars, into the coffers of agencies and bureaus who dispensed their largesse as ostentatiously gratuitous gifts without audits, to Leftist beggars all over the world. USAID was first among others, revealed as an important funnel of taxpayer’s money to every leftist crack pot Marxist scheme they could support. NGO's, organized do-gooders who found the proverbial unending pot of gold beneath the multicolored rainbow, have been happily sucking at the American tit for decades. Who could be against water for children? Well, Trump came on the scene and as determined by the voter’s mandate, to stop USAID, FEMA, the EPA, NASA and many others, from disbursing any further funds to all these crack pot groups who cannot exist without taxpayer money. The correction time has arrived.
Here is how it looks: USAID was created in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy with the intention of it being the US government’s main agency for foreign aid and humanitarian assistance. In fiscal year 2023, it had a budget of $43.4 billion, with $16.8 billion allocated for foreign governance, $10.5 billion for humanitarian aid, and $7 billion for health care initiatives and other projects. How much went into the bank accounts of foreign leaders’ parts of which were returned to the Democrat Party as kickbacks? That door is now closed because on day one of his second term, President Trump ordered a 90-day pause on US foreign development assistance and said that USAID, “run by a bunch of radical lunatics,” needs to be audited.
Meanwhile, Trump has taken action at other agencies to cut down on the cost of government. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has already confirmed that it put 168 employees on leave to comply with Trump’s executive order to end DEI hires. The Trump administration has also offered widespread buyouts to federal employees for them to resign and take payments until September. 75,000 federal employees took the deal all while the Democrats wail about Trump destroying their pot of gold under the rainbow. In desperation, lacking any leadership, Democrats have turned to their only hope of slowing down Trumps draining of the swamp, lawfare, filing lawsuits in lower courts to stop Trumps scythe from mowing them down. The idea is, if Trumps DOJ has to stop every executive order to answer every challenge in a lower court and then appeal up and wait, hoping that Trumps four years will quickly run out. And, therein lies the answer as to why Democrats lost the 2024 election, they have no leadership to discuss issues, only lawyers to file law suits. But Trump's mandate victory is also why the Democrat party is collapsing so fast. The Democrat Party is undeniably Marxist. One should suspect if their intent was to create a government in their image, i.e.: deceitful, disloyal, subversive, seditious and dare I say, disgustingly treasonous, then it's probably a good idea not to have morons in charge trying to steer the ship of state.
Like all battle plans, the Democrats plan for total control quickly collapsed on November 5th's election day because they simply weren't clever enough to stop Donald Trump. Their punditry class has dissolved into puddles of whining nonsense. The Democrats thought to appeal to the victims’ classes for a continuing strong voter base. It wasn't there! What happened to their existing blacks and Latino class? Lost because mandate by unfair DEI schemes i.e.: affirmative action schemes in disguise, weren't for them except in leadership positions, like mayors, and college presidents. Trump ending that. Now it only requires those government agencies to scour out their DEI hires, retest them for their capability or lack thereof and keep 'em or let 'em go. Openly proud sexual perverts who flaunt their mental disorders have been warned. Stay out of women's sports, stay out of the military and if they want to be left alone, they should stay in the closet. If they insist on being perverts, just don't bring it out openly onto the public streets or into elementary school classrooms. That's fair enough, isn't it? Elections have consequences, don't they?
We've got four short years, the next two the most important to strengthen conservative's hold on the Congress. Included in restoring our government is the necessary removal of the RINO's still in office determined to save the old corrupt government they grew up in. Trump has challenged them and won. Isn't this fun?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, help Trump save America. Time is getting short!
Contact: MG Vallely at; George Mcclellan at